Tuesday, 27 August 2013

Inquiry into Plant Growth

It is now time to split off into pairs or threes and research something to do with growing plants. Follow these steps:
1. Decide upon a question - something you want to find out (e.g. Will plants grow in the dark?) A good place to start is on this website. The class books also have a lot of information for possible questions.

2. Make a prediction, or hypothesis as scientists say, about what you think will happen in an experiment (e.g. We think that plants will grow in the dark but not as fast as in the light). Record this on your experiment planning sheet.

3. Record your results as you do the experiment using sketches / photos / or graphs.

4. Present results at the science fair in some way (e.g. as a poster, movie, or slideshow etc).

5. Be sure to include all the information about what you did and what you found out (a conclusion). For example, did your hypothesis turn out to be proven correct or incorrect?

Kia kaha

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